
Cargo inspection offers perspicuity and preventive advantages.
Transure Consultancy performs inspection of (hazardous) cargo, damage, (pre-)loading and securing surveys.

Dangerous goods inspection

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Dangerous goods inspection

To maintain a certain safety level the packing of dangerous goods is subject to IMDG Code and ADR regulations. As shipper or forwarder it is of importance to check of the consignment is packed according to the applicable regulations. Cargo inspections by Transure Consultancy provide certainty and prevent irregularities during the transport process.

Inspection reveals if marking, labelling and packaging integrity are according the IMDG Code regulations and informs you in case adaptions are deemed necessary prior to further transport. When cargo is reportedly damaged Transure Consultancy is able to provide you with an independent third party survey report together with a solution for the occurred situation.



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Apart from the financial effects caused by the economic crisis, it resulted in a diminishing effect on the presence of educated and specialized staff as well as attention for quality. This immediately led to carelessness, lack of attention and know-how. The arising consequences are observed daily through irregularities, damages and leaking containers and packages.

Transure Consultancy developed a supportive prevention program that enables freight forwarders and liners to improve safety during transport at sea. The flexibility of the program enables to receive insights and intervene on daily, weekly or monthly base. The characteristics of this program offer the possibility to use only those modules which are of value to your processes. Your activities determine which modules align best to improve safety most effectively, even on temporary base, for example during projects.



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Cargo inspection

Damages or misdeclaration could unveil during cargo handling at warehouse and terminal. Transure Consultancy can be found at warehouses and terminals daily for cargo inspections. Inspection reveals if adaptions are deemed necessary prior to further transport. When cargo is reportedly damaged Transure Consultancy is able to provide you with an independent third party survey report together with a solution for the occurred situation.

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Survey activities

Correct stowage and securing is essential to prevent damage during transport. You can assign a Transure Consultancy surveyor to be present during the (un)loading and securing activities by the stevedores. The Transure Consultancy surveyor can advise, judge and report concerning the stowage and securing activities.

Transure Consultancy performs pre-loading, (un)loading, securing and damage surveys and provides detailed reports in Dutch, English and other languages on request.





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