
Problems like damages or even leakage could arise during transport, handling or storage. Government issued transport prohibitions or Customs required product sampling could delay your consignments. Transure Consultancy is used to deal with such challenges and can arrange and perform activities on short notice. The exceptional experience and large network enables Transure Consultancy to support you globally.

Some of Transure Consultancy’s services:

  • re-packing of damaged cargo
  • applying or replacing of dangerous goods placards on containers at warehouse or terminal
  • re-stowing, securing or cross-loading of (dangerous) cargo at warehouse or terminal
  • support at warehouse and terminal for re-packing, cargo securing, seal checks, inspections
  • solutions for government issued transport prohibitions
  • transfer of contents from damaged packaging or container
  • product sampling (also Customs required samples)
  • disposal for (hazardous) chemicals and abandoned cargo (including T1 goods)
  • supplier of packaging material, safety and protective equipment
  • supplier of cargo securing materials